Why Are My Eyes Dry If I Don’t Have Allergies?

Man using eyedrops for eye allergies

Allergies are a very common source of discomfort. Most of us experience them in one way or another, but they aren’t always the cause of our suffering.

If you suffer from symptoms such as eye fatigue, redness, itchiness, grittiness, or pain, you may have dry eye syndrome.

Dry eye disease is also very common. An estimated half of all Americans are likely living with the problem. But that begs the question: why?

The truth is, our eyes are very sensitive. They need a good balance of a healthy lifestyle, a proper environment, and good genetics to function. Let’s look a little more in-depth at the causes of dry eye.

Dry Eye Factor: Lifestyle

The way you live impacts your health, for better or for worse. Your eyes are no exception to this rule.

Things like diet, exercise, hydration, smoking and drinking habits, and computer use all factor into the wellbeing of your eyes. This is particularly true when it comes to dry eye.

Suggested Solution: Change of Habits

It is important to emphasize a lifestyle that promotes good vision health. You’ll want to reduce any activities and habits that put your eyes at risk.

For diet, make sure you are eating foods that are high in vitamins and antioxidants. You’ll also want to get an ample amount of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

Staying hydrated will give your body access to water that it needs to produce tears. If you are having difficulty quitting smoking, focus on reducing as much as you can.

Smoke not only damages your vision but it will also irritate your eyes causing dry eye. Finally, overusing computers dries out your eyes.

When you forget to blink, it reduces your blink rate, which is more common while looking at screens. If you need to use your computer to work and can’t avoid prolonged use, set a timer to take frequent breaks.

Dry Eye Factor: Environment

Where we live and our immediate surroundings play a big role in dry eye. Dry air causes the tears on the surface of our eyes to evaporate.

Evaporation will often occur before the tears can nourish and lubricate our eyes. Airborne particles and allergens can cause chronic irritation.

Suggested Solution: Alter Your Living Space

Simply moving is rarely an option for people that live in climates that their eyes aren’t suited for. The good news is there’s technology to help cope with that.

Using a humidifier to add moisture to the air can boost your eyes’ ability to produce and keep tears. An air purifier can remove irritants directly from the air.

Dry Eye Factor: Genetics

Dry eye has a genetic factor to it as well, which isn’t something you can really avoid. Depending on how this is expressed, there could be a variety of solutions.

Suggested Solution: Manage Symptoms and Seek Professional Help

Instead of rubbing your eyes, which doesn’t help and could be hurting your eyes, use eye drops. If your dry eye symptoms continue, see your eye doctor. They can recommend other treatment options or medication.

Tired of living with dry eye? Schedule an appointment with Vermont Eye Laser in Burlington, VT! There’s no reason to struggle with dry eye for any longer!

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