Why Do We Need Reading Glasses When We Age? (And How Raindrop Can Help)

presbyopia Raindrop | Burlington

As you get older, your eyes will naturally start to change. This can happen in a variety of ways, but one of the most common changes is caused by a condition known as “presbyopia”. This is generally what causes people to need reading glasses after the age of 40.

What Is Presbyopia?

When you’re younger, the lens inside your eye (located behind the iris and pupil) is quite flexible, and flexes when you look at close objects. This flexing, known as “accommodation”, is what allows you to change focus at many different ranges quickly. Presbyopia occurs when the lens becomes more rigid and can no longer accommodate near vision.

People with presbyopia will notice that seemingly simple tasks like reading a book, sewing, and reading a label at the grocery store have become quite difficult. They may catch themselves holding their phone at an arm’s length just to focus on a text message. If this sounds familiar to you, chances are you are living with presbyopia.

The Solution to Presbyopia

**Please Note: We are no longer offering the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay. However, alternative vision correction options are available. Schedule an Appointment today to discuss your options!**

While reading glasses are a popular option to combat the effects of presbyopia, modern medicine has developed a more permanent and convenient way to deal with this issue. One of the most cutting-edge technologies in this field is known as the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay. The Raindrop® Inlay was developed by Revision Optics and received approval from the FDA in June of 2016.

The Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay is a small, clear lens that looks similar to a contact lens, but a fraction of the size. After being implanted into the cornea, the Raindrop® Inlay works by gently reshaping the surface of the eye, allowing light to pass through and focus at the correct distance for near vision. It is only implanted in your non-dominant eye, allowing your eyes to work together to provide clear vision at all distances. You don’t have to choose between distance and near vision!

The Procedure is Simple, Minimally Invasive, and Incredibly Successful

The procedure only takes about 10 minutes. In a mere 600 seconds, your life can be made exponentially more convenient. You will be asked to not wear contacts for about a week before the surgery. This is simply to make sure accurate measurements are taken, as contacts can actually temporarily change the shape of your cornea.

To begin, your eye will be numbed with a local anesthetic eye drops. Next, your surgeon will create a “pocket” in the first layer of the cornea where the inlay will be implanted. This is typically done using a femtosecond laser. As you focus your vision on a specific point, the surgeon will position the inlay into the corneal pocket, ensuring it is centered for optimal results. If the idea of stitches makes you uncomfortable, there’s no need to worry! The cornea is self-healing and does not require sutures.

After Raindrop® Surgery

On the day of the surgery, you will not be able to drive, so make sure you have a ride planned. You should follow your surgeon’s instructions very closely, including wearing an eye shield while you sleep for up to a month. Make sure to attend all of the postoperative appointments! They will allow your doctor to catch any issues you may have early on and respond accordingly.

The Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay was designed to be a permanent vision solution for presbyopia, but if for any reason you are unsatisfied with the outcome, the inlay is removable.

Tired of living life with your reading glasses following you wherever you go? Raindrop® can help! The only way to know if you are a good candidate for the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay is to schedule a consultation at Vermont Laser Eye in Burlington. We’d love to hear from you, so give us a call today!

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